I am always thinking that as an entrepreneur you have a responsibility to improve something in your life. If you see something that doesn’t work, you should improve it. Arash Jalali – CEO @ Acop.io, A Tech Crunch Disrupt Launched Start Up
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RT @iBRIDGES_news: Only 7 days till #iBridges at the #CityCubeBerlin - #hichtech #Iran #startups - Register http://t.co/D8idfHjEC8 http://t…
RT @iBRIDGES_news: Don't miss the largest #hightech conference #iBridges taking place at #CityCubeBerlin Register http://t.co/D8idfHjEC8 ht…
RT @iBRIDGES_news: We wouldn't want you to miss the largest #hightech conference, #iBridges 4-6th of June - #CityCubeBerlin at night http:/…
Media call with @kiyanforoughi founder/CEO of @boticca in under 2 hours. Tweet or send in your questions to us live. 😃